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“The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships: A Basic Guide”, Cambridge University Press, (con E. Engel y Alex Galetovic), 2014. Traducción al chino y al japonés, 2017.
“Economía de las asociaciones público-privadas: Una guía básica”, (con E. Engel y Alex Galetovic), Fondo de Cultura Económica, spanish edition. 2014 .
“Latin America and the Global Economy: Export Trade and the Threat of Protectionism (editor), Palgrave, UK., 1997 “Las Nuevas Caras del Proteccionismo, (editor), Dolmen, Septiembre.

Articles in international journals 


"The company you keep: Renegotiations and adverse selection in transportation infrastructure”, Economics of Transportation, 38, 100357, p. 1-7, 2024. (with E. Engel and A. Galetovic).

"Private Finance of Public Infrastructure", Annual Review of Finance Economics, 2022. (with E. Engel, A. Galetovic).

"Remuneracion de Redes de Transmisión en Chile por VNR: Principios, Problemas y Recomendaciones", Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas, 2021. (with R. Moreno).
"Wealth inequality and the political economy of financial and labour regulations", Journal of Public Economics, 2021. (with D. Huerta).

"The Ways of Corruption in Infrastructure: Lessons from the Odebrecht Case", Journal of Economis Perspectives, 2021. (with N. Campos, E. Engel and A. Galetovic).

"Soft budgets and endogenous renegotiations in transport PPPs: An equilibrium analysis", Economics of Transportation, 2019. (with E. Engel and A. Galetovic).

"The inequality-credit nexus", Journal of International Money and Finance, 2019. (with D. Huerta y P. Valenzuela).

"The joy of flying: Efficient airport PPP contracts", Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 2018. (with E. Engel and A. Galetovic).

Financial liberalization, market structure and credit penetration”, 2013. (with F. Balmaceda and F. Ramirez), Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2014, 23(1), 47-75, January.
Financial Openness, Market Structure and Private Credit: An Empirical Investigation”, 2013. (with P.Valenzuela), Economic Letters, 121, 478–481.

The Basic Public Finance of Public-Private Partnerships”, J. of the European Economic Association, 11(1), pp 83-111, February, 2013. (with E. Engel, A. Galetovic).
The Economics of Infrastructure Finance: Public-Private Partnerships versus Public Provision”, European Investment Bank Papers, 15(1), pp 40-69, 2010. (with E. Engel, A. Galetovic).
Economic Performance, creditor protection and labor inflexibility”, Oxford Economic Papers, 62(3), 553-577, 2010. (with F. Balmaceda).
Privatizing highways in the United States”, Review of Industrial Organization, 29, 27-53, 2006. (with E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
Does Competition in Privatized Social Services Work? The Chilean Experience”, World Development, (34)3, 647-664, 2006. (with P. González y P. Serra).
Highway Franchising and Real Estate Values”, Journal of Urban Economics (57), 432-448, 2005. (with E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
How to Auction a Bottleneck Monopoly when Underhand Vertical Agreements are Possible”, Journal of Industrial Economics, (LII)3, 427-455, September, 2004. (con E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
“Toll competition among congested roads”, Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, (4)1, Article 4, 2004. (with E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
Regulatory Governance and Chile’s 1998-1999 Electricity Shortage”, Journal of Policy Reform, (6)2, 103-124, June, 2003. (con A. Galetovic).
Franchising Highways in Latin America”, Economia, the LACEA Journal, (4)1, 129-164, Fall, 2003. (with E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
Energy prices in the presence of plant indivisibilities”, Energy Economics, 25(4), 303-314, July, 2003. (with P. Serra).
WTO Exceptions as Insurance”, Review of International Economics, 11(5), November, 2003. Reprinted in Brown, Ch. (ed), The WTO, Safeguards, And Temporary Protection From Imports", E. Elgar Pub., UK, 2006. (with T. Prusa).
“Income Distribution and Trade Liberalization”, Journal of Development Economics, 66, 555-579, 2001.
Least Present Value of Revenue Auctions and Highway Franchising”, Journal of Political Economy, 109(5), 2001. (with E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
Regulation of the electric sector in LA”, Economía, 1, p. 155-198, Fall, 2000. (with P. Serra).
Standards and Protection”, Journal of International Economics, 52, p. 377-400, 2000. FONDECYT 1950513, Reprinted in Critical Perspectives on the Global Trading System and the WTO., S. Henson and J. Wilson (eds), Edward Elgar, 2005.
(*)“Limit Policies in N-Sector Dynamic Growth Games with Externalities”, J. of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 2(1), 81-87, 1997, FONDECYT 1940507. (with L. Mirman).
“Franchising Highways: Pitfalls and Opportunities”, (con E. Engel y A. Galetovic), American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May. To be reprinted in “Economics of Traffic Congestion”, Erik T. Verhoef (editor), The International Library Of Critical Writings In Economics. 1997.
“Income Convergence Within and Between Countries”, International Economic Review, 37(3), August, 1996. (with P. Serra)
“Income Distribution and the Choice of Free Trade in a Model of Intraindustry Trade”, (con P. Serra), Quarterly Journal of Economics, February, 1996.
“The Compleat Fish Wars: Dynamic and Biologic Interactions”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 30 34-42, 1996. (with L. Mirman).
“Learning about Enforcement: A model of Dumping”, Journal of Economic Integration, 9(2), 214-240, 1994. (con L. Mirman)
“Uncertain Probability of Protection and Firm Behavior”, The Journal of International Economics, 1992. 
“Income Distribution in the Dynamic Two Factor Trade Model”, Economica, 59, 221-33, 1992.
“Strategic Dynamic Interactions: FishWars” (con L. Mirman), Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, 1992.
“Multimarket Oligopoly with Production Before Sales.” (con S. Anderson), Journal of Industrial Economics, December, 1989.
“The New Protectionism”, (con W. Ethier), Journal of International Economic Integration, 2(2), Autumn, 1-11, 1987.

Other international publications 

"The regulation of public-private partnerships", Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing, 2023. (with E. Engel, A. Galetovic).
2022 “The Odebrecht corruption case” (con E. Engel y A. Galetovic), to appear in Encyclopedia of Corruption Law.
2022 “Managing the Fiscal Risks Wrought by PPPs: A Simple Framework and Some Lessons from Chile” (with E Engel, M.
Ferrari and A. Galetovic) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 10056, May 2022.
2022 “The Regulation of Public-Private Partnerships”, con E. Engel and A. Galetovic, por aparecer en Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing, A. Tirachini, D. Hörcher y E. Verhoef
(eds), 2022.

2021 "When and How to Use Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure: Lessons from the International Experience", with (con E. Engel y Alex Galetovic), to appear in Poterba, J. and Glaezer, E. (eds) The Economics of Infrastructure Investment, University of Chicago Press.
2020 “Public–Private Partnerships: Some Lessons After 30 Years”, with E. Engel and A. Galetovic, Regulation, 43(3), 2-7, Fall.
2020 “Renegociaciones y corrupción en el sector de infraestructura: El caso Odebrecht” (con N. Campos, E. Engel y A. Galetovic), Nota Técnica N° IDB-TN-2042, BID.
“Risk and Public-Private Partnerships”, CESifo DICE Report (J. for International Comparisons), (12)3, 3-8,2014,  Autumn. (with E. Engel and A. Galetovic).
“Banking on too much
of a good thing?”, Competition and Regulation Times, November 2013, Issue 42.
“Highway networks and PPPs: An alternative to traditional public provision?, Network Industries Quarterly, 15(1), 6–9, 2013. (with E. Engel and A. Galetovic)
“Infrastructure PPPs: Lessons from Latin America for Africa”, International Growth Centre, Rwanda Policy Note Series 13/140 March 2013. 
“Review of ‘Collaborative Governance: Private Roles for Public Roles’by J. Donahue and R. Zeckhauser”, J. of Economic Literature, (XLIX), pp 1282-1286, December, 2011.
“The Promise and Peril of Public Private Partnerships: Lessons from the Chilean Experience”, International Growth Centre, Rwanda Policy Note Series 1, June 2011.
“Public-Private-Partnerships to Revamp U.S. Infrastructure”, Hamilton Policy Brief, Brookings Institution, 2011. (with Eduardo Engel and Alexander Galetovic).
“Optimal Resource Extraction Contracts under Threat of Expropriation”, The Natural Resources Trap: Private Investment without Public Commitment, W. Hogan and F. Stutzenegger (eds), MIT Press, 161-197, June, 2010. (con E. Engel).
“Latin America: High Logistics Costs and Poor Infrastructure for Merchandise Transportation – An Alternative View”, in Latin American Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Bjorn Lomborg (editor), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, in February, 412-423, 2010.
“Efectos de la privatización de servicios públicos en Chile: Casos sanitario, electricidad y telecomunicaciones”, Desafíos al Desarrollo de Chile: Elementos para el Diálogo de Políticas, E. Fernández-Arias (ed), BID. 217-353, 2007. (with Pablo Serra).
“Effects of Protectionism on Chilean Exporters: a Preliminary Survey”, in Dee, P. and Ferrantino, M. (eds): “Quantitative Methods for Assessing the Effects of Non-tariff Measures and Trade Facilitation”, APEC Secretariat andWorld Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2005.
"The effects of privatization on firms and on social welfare”, in A. Chong y R. Lopez de Silanes, (eds.), “Privatization in Latin America Myths and Reality”, Stanford University Press, 2005. (with P. Serra, y R. Gutierrez).
“Trade Liberalization, Development and Government Policy in Chile” (Prepared for the 11th Bilateral Economic Development Seminar in Tokyo, December 2000). Published in Japan, a book with ISSN 1345-8620, 2002.
“Privatizing roads: An “old” new approach to infrastructure provision”, Regulation, the Cato Journal, Fall, 18–22, 2002. (with E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
“Latin American Trade Regime and Perceptions”, (con P. Meller), in Latin America and the Global Economy: Export Trade and the Threat of Protectionism, Editor, R. Fischer, Palgrave, UK, 2001.
“Contingent Protection”, in Latin America and the Global Economy: Export Trade and the Threat of Protectionism, Editor, R. Fischer, Palgrave, UK., 2001.
“Minimum Standards: A New Source of Protection”, in Latin America and the Global Economy: Export Trade and the Threat of Protectionism, Editor, R. Fischer, Palgrave, UK., 2001. (with P. Serra).
“Infrastructure Franchising and Government Guarantees”, en Irwin, T., Klein, M., Perry, G. y Thobani, M. (editores): Dealing with Public Risk in Private Infrastructure, The World Bank, Washington, 1997. (with E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
“A New Method for auctioning Highways”, en “The Private Sector in Infrastructure”, TheWorld Bank Group, 109-113, 1997. (con E. Engel y A. Galetovic).
“Spatial Competition with Production Before Sales”, in Does Economic Space Matter?, H. Ohta and J.-F. Thisse (eds.), St. Martins Press, (1993). (with S.P. Anderson).

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